Is Elon Musk a scam artist?

I’m beginning to have a terrible felling that the Wall Street darling Elon Musk is a scammer.

He recently announced that he decided to delay the colonization of Mars from 2026 to 2031.

“One of the main reasons for the delay is the company’s  need to raise more funds for the Mars colonization mission. Apparently, the movement of the project has taken longer than expected; thus, the Dutch venture had to be postponed.”

His company is actively collecting investors’ money to fund this project. Will he delay the project again in 2031?

Are Musks’s companies just a Ponzi scheme? He comes up with all these crazy projects that end up financial black holes and wants more and more money from investors. His Tesla company has never turned a profit since inception. Now he wants to colonize Mars, and for that he needs billions of dollars, which he takes from hopeful investors.

No one is using any of them

according to those who follow this kind of thing

The head of the biggest privately owned U.S. coal producer on Monday called electric-car maker Tesla Motors Inc. a “fraud” for failing to turn a profit despite subsidies. Bloomberg

a techie

he’s like Thiel for a different party (in fact Thiel was right about how the election would shake out); he runs off publicity stunts and a doe-eyed American faith in technology unhampered by cost or the laws of physics

every time a rail system gets proposed all the wackjobs pour out with endless endless untried/failed technologies–PRT pods, pods in tubes, vactrains, monorails, superbuses, flying cars, automated cars, fusion-powered automated cars, liquid fluoride thorium reactor-powered automated cars; naturally this is well-funded by NIMBYs afraid that Black people will ride the train and boost their flat-screen TVs

and after years of sealioning, then they build the ol’ steel on steel: I have two convincing arguments against the imagery that Musk surrounds himself with that lets him damn the media while still getting that lucrative coverage (and I sit on them every time I go into town)

take Hype(r)Loop–he promised 10% the cost and the usual vaporware nonsense that gets people giddy: he didn’t put a cent into it and now the project is reduced to recapitulating 80s rollercoaster technology and secretly telling its investors it’ll cost more than a bullet train (Third Way = Bell Curve)

He's the leader of a Cult, a scam artist, and a liar

A little digging reveals a story that is different than that repeated over and over by his Cult.

For example, the Tesla battery swap idea was a scam to steal millions of dollars of tax money from the state of California. Some of his cult followers still think there’s going to be a battery swap station on every corner. They rigged a Demo, then took the $.  A full expose on this scam can be found here:

The Tesla battery swap is the hoax of the year

Nothing says Progressive like taking tax money from the poor and middle class to subsidize $110,000 cars for rich people. Tesla may not have made it this far without this  “contribution”.

The Model X is a nightmare, Elon insisted on the falcon wing doors, which are trouble when the car is new, and a disaster as the car gets older.  The latest from Consumer Reports on the other Tesla- the Model S: Unrecommend- Tesla Reliability Doesn’t Match Its High Performance

Tesla – a money losing company (despite last quarter, which was fudged) just bought another money losing company. Coincidentally, Elon was the Chairman of that other money losing company- Solar City. It was a bailout- for Elon and the shareholders. There are plenty of other examples of why this Musk person is not what he is made out to be, such as publicly sliming Hydrogen Fuel Cells (“Fool Cells”, said Musk) – insulting tens of thousands of good people that have been working for years to make this clean energy happen. Now his Cult followers run around bashing hydrogen on every electric vehicle website in the world. Fuel Cells are competetion to a battery only car, yet those who defend the tech are labeled “shills”.

For a good summary of what the future looks like for Tesla see this:


it’s a Ponzi scheme.